
It all started after a visit to Zimbabwe, Africa.

Background History

Rotinah Chiswiti recently traveled to Zimbabwe, Africa, where she had an experience which prompted her to establish WAPAH Project Inc in April, 2015. While there, she met numerous women eager to greet her and to inquire about life in America. One of these women was a mother accompanied by her young, tearful daughter. This mother grew frustrated and raised her voice in an attempt to calm her child so she could converse. Rotinah asked why the child was crying and the mother replied that her little girl had spent a day without food and was crying because she was hungry. The little girl had not just skipped one meal but had spent the previous day without a decent meal as well. Rotinah had a gut-wrenching feeling as she heard this. Childhood memories flooded her mind and her thoughts flashed back to her early years. She recalled her own mother who tried her best to feed, educate and piece together the lives of herself and her little sisters after their father passed away.


Rotinah observed the little girl sitting in the dust, barefoot and in an over-sized, torn, unwashed dress. The hopes and dreams of this little one were overshadowed by abject poverty. She could only imagine what the future held for this child and countless others like her, if her life continued in this way. A sad future was already apparent for the mother's oldest son, who could not complete high school due to financial constraints. This story is the inspiration that fueled WAPAH Project Inc. The mission: to help and assist women and their families and to teach them simple strategies to achieve success. The vision of WAPAH is to put an end to poverty by introducing programs that will change the lives of women and their families.

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