
"It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving" - Mother Teresa

Donating to Wapah Project

People like you and your contribution can make a difference to improve people's lives and your donation can provide:

  1. Self-Employment: Women will be taught to start a small business by learning to develop a business plan, provide them with necessary assets that will enable them to succeed in their business.
  2. Talent Skill Program: We will match people with their own talent to start a project so they are able to regenerate income every month.
  3. Relieving Poverty and Hunger: Provide food to unemployed and low-income families by providing food and access to clean water.
  4. Economic Empowerment or Income Security: To provide women and their families training to learn basic skills and mobilize entire communities to be self-reliant.
  5. Advancing Education: By providing tuition assistance to people in need, improving literacy, and providing school supplies.
  6. Health Care Basic needs: Encourage women and breastfeeding mothers to learn about sanitation and hygiene and to participate in yearly exams such as pap smear screening and mammogram screening.

We believe that every mother has the right to succeed in life, to have the basic needs of food, clean water, healthcare and education for their children. We strive to strengthen families and the lives of children by fighting poverty and hunger and to meet the needs locally in our community and globally.

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