Pig Rearing

"There's nothing more calming in difficult moments than knowing there's some one fighting with you." - Mother Teresa

Pig Rearing


The pig farming project will impact the lives of a lot of women. They will be trained to raise pigs including how to manage and market them. Four months of supplies needed to raise the pigs, including medicine, will be provided to the women. This project will help the participants to afford healthcare, to pay for their children's education, to put food on their tables and to invest their profits to enable them to start other small businesses. These women will have the opportunity to become self sufficient and in time, to motivate others in their community to work hard and live a happier life.

The cost of purchasing pigs is $75.00 for 1 pig and $60.00 for a piglet.

For a pig house of dimensions 44m x 12m x 6 rooms, we need the following:

  • 30 bags cement @ $12 each = $360.00
  • 6 poles x 3m @ $2 each = $12.00
  • 6 poles 6m x 4m @ $3 = $18.00
  • 6 planks 6m x4m @$4 =$24.00
  • 6 planks 6m x9m @ $5 =$30.00
  • 5 thousand bricks @ $35.00/ = $175.00
  • 12 Iron sheets x3m @ = $528.00
  • 12 poles x 3m @ $4.00 each = $48.00
  • Labor for builder = 400.00
  • Nails 1 kg = $10.00Transport = $50.00

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